FAMILY FAQs: What is Parental Responsibility?
What is Parental Responsibility, who has it and what are the implications for parents?
What is Parental Responsibility, who has it and what are the implications for parents?
Commencing a divorce online has made it easier and cheaper to divorce, but just because you can DIY it, doesn’t mean that you should.
In our podcast we talk about the financial aspects of a divorce or the dissolution of a civil partnership.
Nikah, Mehr, Talak, Khula and how they interplay with divorce laws in England & Wales.
Whereas marriages are ended by divorce, civil partnerships are ended by dissolution
Courts affected include Civil Courts, Magistrates’ Courts, Family Courts, Probate Registry, Court of Protection
and Tribunals
If you have separated from your child’s other parent, you might be planning to take them abroad over the holidays. But can you just pick up a passport and go, or do you need permission?
If you are in the HM Armed Forces, or a spouse of a serving member, and getting divorced there are likely to be additional issues that civilian couples don’t have to face.
The law requires divorcing couples to give a ‘full and frank disclosure’ of their finances so that a fair financial settlement can be reached.
Pensions can can be of significant value, in a divorce, particularly in cases where there has been a long marriage and/or children.