Quiz for Henley Music School

Quiz Night to raise money for the Henley Music School

A quiz night is being organised by THP Solicitors to help raise funds for the Henley Music School which desperately needs donations to continue providing lessons and support to 900 local children.

The quiz will take place at the Henley Rugby Club on Friday 8 March 2024 at 7pm sharp. Tickets need to be purchased in advance – they are £25 a head and will include dinner (vegetable or chicken curry with rice and naan) for teams of 4-8. All proceeds will be donated to the school.

You can book using the link below, please just use the ‘Your message for the merchant’ facility when booking to provide your ‘Team Name’ and any specific dietary requirements or you can email m.baxter@thpsolicitors.co.uk if you have any questions.


Laura Reineke, founder and CEO of Henley Music School, recently resigned from her paid position at the charity, and the music teachers have agreed to reduce their pay or offered voluntary hours to try and save the school from closure. The school has not been able to run school curriculum music lessons at Trinity and Badgemore School due to lack of funds and some music lessons have been put on hold for those who had bursaries.

Quizmaster and THP Solicitors Partner Richard Rodway said “We know Laura well and have long admired all the effort she puts into local charitable causes. The Henley Music School provides music lessons for children who may otherwise not have the opportunity to pursue their passion for music and particular instruments. But it is so much more than that, helping to foster a sense of community and wellbeing, and it would be devastating if it had to close due to lack of funding as there is obviously a huge demand. We know anything we raise at our quiz will be a drop in the ocean, but every penny helps.”