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Renters Reform Bill

Landlords will be unable to evict tenants without ‘good reason’ under the newly proposed Renters Reform Bill, which plans to fundamentally reform the private rented sector.

The government has released a white paper on the bill that states landlords are to be prevented from evicting tenants in England without giving a reason, thereby ending Section 21 [no-fault] eviction notices. All tenants will also be moved onto a single system of periodic tenancies which means a tenancy will only end if the renter decides to end it or the landlord has a valid reason as defined in law. The Renters Reform Bill will also end blanket bans on benefit claimants or families with children and landlords must consider requests to allow pets.

The government has also promised tenants stronger powers to:

  • challenge poor practice and unjustified rent increases
  • obtain rent refunds for unhealthy, unsafe or poor quality homes
  • homes must be free from serious health and safety hazards
  • landlords must keep homes in a good state of repair, with clean, appropriate and useable facilities

The bill will also:

  •  end “arbitrary” rent-review clauses, so tenants can leave poor-quality housing without being liable for the rent
  • double notice periods for rent increases
  • give councils stronger powers to tackle the worst landlords and increase fines for serious offences

A new Private Renters’ Ombudsman will be put in place to try and settle disputes more cheaply and quickly, to help landlords recover their properties from antisocial tenants.

No-fault evictions are already banned in Scotland for tenancies starting after 1 December 2017 The Welsh government says no-fault-eviction notice periods will be extended to six months by the end of 2022.

The white paper can be viewed here  The measures will form part of the Renters Reform Bill as announced in the Queen’s Speech, to be introduced in this parliamentary session. We will issue more details once they are confirmed. 

How we can help

Whether you’re a landlord or tenant, our experienced property dispute solicitors can provide sensible and pragmatic advice, assist with negotiation or mediation, and support you through a claim or defence in Court. Contact Laura Colebrook in our Dispute Resolution team on or 0118 975 6622 who will be happy to assist you.