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Divorce Day

The first working Monday of a new year is known by some as ‘Divorce Day’- the day where law firms often see a spike of enquiries from couples who have decided that they wish to end their relationship. In 2022, it will fall later than usual on Monday 10th January.

Whilst many of us look forward to Christmas, for couples whose relationship is already under strain the obligatory time spent together, (often with in-laws and extended family), and financial pressures of the festive period can result in them concluding that it is time to go their separate ways and move on in the new year. In the case of couples with children, many decide to wait until after the ‘big day’ so as not to spoil the magic of the occasion.

For those couples that do decide to divorce, the THP Family team can provide help and support during the process, including advice on the complex legal issues surrounding finances and parenting. We always encourage negotiation outside of Court, to both help take the tension out of an already stressful situation and achieve a speedy and cost-effective resolution. Our lawyers can act assist with negotiation in divorce settlements and arrange for mediation if couples feel it could help them reach agreement much more quickly.

The pandemic has resulted in a backlog of divorce cases in court and despite a gradual improvement in the speed in which divorces are proceeding through the Family Courts, the average time frame from a petition to decree absolute is still over 50 weeks. Cases involving domestic violence and where children are at risk of harm are given priority however.

For a confidential discussion about the divorce procedure, please contact Richard Rodway in our Henley office or Julia Drury in our Reading office, both of whom will be happy to have an initial conversation with you over the phone/ video about the best divorce route for you.