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FAMILY FAQS: What is ‘Divorce Day’?

The first working Monday of a New Year has earned the unfortunate nickname of ‘Divorce Day’, when family lawyers see an increase in new instructions from couples who have decided that they wish to end their relationship after a stressful Christmas break. In 2024, it will fall on Monday 8th January.

As a Divorce & Family lawyer, it is true that I often see an increase in enquiries after the festive period. Many couples conclude that if they can’t be happy at Christmas then it must be time to go their separate ways. Or couples who are parents sometimes resolve to stay together until after the ‘big day’ to put on a united front for their children. For others its more of a New Year, new start mentality.

But to be honest, as most law firms close between Christmas and New Year, we would expect a high volume of enquiries on our return to the office.

There is no wrong or right time. Relationships can come to an end for a myriad of reasons and making that decision is never easy. Sometimes it is a mutual decision, other times one person has just decided that they need to go their own way.  Each case is very different and should be treated as such.

We understand that whenever you make the decision to end your relationship, it is an incredibly emotional time. THP Divorce & Family team can provide practical help and sensitive support during the process, including advice on the complex legal issues surrounding finances and parenting.

We always encourage negotiation outside of Court, to both help take the tension out of an already stressful situation and achieve a speedy and cost-effective resolution. Our lawyers can assist with negotiation in divorce settlements and arrange for mediation if couples feel it could help them reach agreement much more quickly.

On the occasions when agreement cannot be reached, we are able to guide our clients through the Court process to protect their interests.

We can also introduce you to our colleagues who are specialist lawyers in other areas that may be able to assist, whether that is to execute a new Will, consider Trust assets, sell a property or provide advice regarding a company or business assets.

For a confidential discussion about the divorce procedure, please contact Richard Rodway in our Henley office on T: 01491 570 900, office or Julia Drury, Sophie Perry or Ruby Tufail in our Reading office on T: 0118 975 6622, all of whom will be happy to have an initial conversation about the best divorce route for you.